Saturday, May 14, 2011

list of foods and drinks which helps you to make perfect weight loss meals plan

it is said that prevention is better than cure so lot of weight means obesity but we can take some foods and drinks to help us to avoid obesity here i will show them :

  • water 

many experts in weight loss said that drink many amounts of water before and after meals help us to loss weight so water is very important in your weight loss meals plan because water fill stomach so it reduces the hunger pain , by the way drinking lot of amount of water especially at hot times give you energy to work .

  • triple drink 
triple drink is made of unsweetened grapefruit juice ,honey cup and apple vinegar . First put unsweetened grapefruit juice in the refrigerator and before your meal put honey cup on apple vinegar and mix with unsweetened grapefruit and take it before your meal. This mixture help you to  reduce your  appetite and it give you energy .

  • use boiled artichokes to reduce eating sweets
eating sweets are one of important reasons to obesity so we should reduce eating it if we want to weight loss . You can use boiled artichokes in your salad because it contains insulin which helps you to avoid eating sweets
  • use seaweed to loss your weight 

seaweed contain essential nutrients for thyroid which is responsible for burn food in your body so if we give thyroid nutrients  which it needs , it will burn foods well .

  • walking half an hour every day
it is very easy if you want to loss fats gradually , you can walk half a hour every day because you will burn 300 calories every day ,some experts said that walking at morning is very useful than walking at night because if you walk before your meal , you will burn foods faster than walking after meal

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to make personal healthy weight loss meals plan

weight loss meals plan help us to know what foods we should eat and what foods we should avoid . it help us to know when we should eat and when we should drink , and it helps us to control over eating habits and beat over eat.

 Everyone want to loss weight should make weight loss meals plan because that meal plans which are designed by experts may not make good results with your body because each body has different nutrition needs so you should make your personal plan so you can make simple weight loss meals plan by eat six small meals every day, and you can make among every meal two or three hours so you give your body energy to work and loss fats by avoid overeat.

Exercises are very useful when you want to loss fats because it burn fats so you should make exercises for 20 minutes each day , it will make great result with your weight meals plan . Finally you should enjoy patience because every weight loss plan does not get quick result so do not be disappointed and start your slow plan now to loss weights in healthy way ,not deadly way as many people do .

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

tips to reduce hunger pains at making your weight loss meals plan

every one want to loss weight should design balanced weight loss plan . some people only eat very few amount but this led to other result not the desired result , so you should make balanced plan . When design your plan your should make your eyes on hunger pains because it is very painful and if you don't deal with it well , your plan may fail. Here some tips to reduce hunger pains :

1 -make sure that you  drink lot of amount of water before and after your meals and at the morning and evening  because water fill the stomach so your hunger pains will reduced this means that water is basic element in your weight loss plan .  

2- eat fresh fruit and vegetables and salad because these food have low carb and low calorie and avoid sugar and salt and the red meat because avoiding these foods will make you loss many fats in your body. 

3 - take fiber tablets with your weight loss meals if there is no problem in your healthy case or ask you dietitian because if you take it regularly  it fills the stomach  so it reduce you pains so it will make you loss big amount of fats in your body .

Monday, May 9, 2011

foods you should avoid in your weight loss plan meals

there are many for that if you eat it , it destroy your weight loss meals plan in a single day.You can avoid then and eat there alternative foods if you prepare you meals without these foods at all plan you will reach your goal   Here i will write about some of these foods :

1- salt and sugar ( white poisons ) 
it is important to try to avoid salt and sugar in your foods if you want to loss weight because salt and sugar are reasons of gaining weight . some people called salt and sugar " white poisons" you can use other spices that give you the same taste for your eats.

2- red meats 
although red meat is very important for your body but if you want to loss weight you should reduce it because your body will not benefit from the excessive amount and will convert it after some operations to fits but you can use chicken, fish or beans by the way  it is very useful so you will loss many fats and calories.

3- milk products 
milk products are very useful for every one but when you want to make weight loss meals plan you should use  fat -free product so you avoid many fats grams would gained from these foods 

4- avoid processed white flour foods and eat bread 
 the problem of processed white flour foods is the high carb it have so it is big source of fats but you can eat bread ,brown rice and  grains because these products aren't have many carb but it provide you with energy.

here it is the end of this article but in other article i will show other foods you should avoid in your weight loss plan meals  

tips to make your weight loss meals plan

It is very difficult to make you life activities and keep track  your diet, so the best way to keep you diet is to create weight loss meals plan . you should know how many calories each day or you may be take lot of calories you don't need so it will converted to fits so you will gain weight and you will be in dilemma .Here i will give you four tips to create a good weight loss meals plan :

 1 - use your pin and paper to create your weight loss meals plan 

the first important thing in creating weight loss meals plan is writing you plan in paper ,just get pen and paper and write your goals and write when you want to achieve these goals, and don't use your memory, by the way all successful man in the world write there goals in paper.

2- write all your activities in your day and calculate your calories 

in making your weight loss meals plan you should write your activities to get the number of  calories you need each day so you can make you weight loss meals plan balanced with the needed number of calories .

3- don't punish yourself 

many people who don't have experience in weight loss plans think that if they eat very small amounts of foods they will loss weight , this is very wrong because if you don't eat you , your mood will be bad and you will break this diet by eating heavily , so you should work on plan .

4- drink big amounts of water 

 some people can not control them self at work when the feel hungry and quickly get junkie foods which are  have lot of fats so these people destroy there weight loss meals plan but this problem will be solved be drinking lot of amount of water because water fill  the stomach so it reduce the sense of Hungry
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created by lovely man .